Three Tarot Cards Tell A Story
the fool.
Sadness comes in waves
I think about you every time I drown
When my face gets to the surface,
I forget the pain our separation is making me feel
I can’t swim, my surfboard can’t support me
It gets me up, another wave gets me down
Sadness comes in waves,
I’m waiting to drown
the lovers.
I look up for you everywhere,
Especially where our paths first crossed
In a world connected by wires and waves,
There’s not a trace of you to make me comfortable
You are nowhere
But I keep searching, hoping you’ll turn the corner
To arrive very calmly, and take me away from this strange loneliness that turned my life around
With no trace of you in my world, do you still exist?
the death.
I was born with love,
I spend my whole life trying to cross a river of hatred
To die, on the other side,
With love